programmer |
a person who writes programs for a computer. |
progress |
forward movement toward an end. [4 definitions] |
progressive |
moving steadily forward. [4 definitions] |
prohibit |
to not allow by law. [3 definitions] |
project |
any activity that takes great effort or planning. [6 definitions] |
projectile |
any object that is thrown, fired, or shot by an outside force or weapon. |
projection |
the act of pushing or throwing outward. [5 definitions] |
projector |
a machine for projecting an image onto a screen by casting a beam of light through photographic film. |
prolong |
to add length to or make last longer. |
promenade |
a leisurely walk, especially in a public place. [2 definitions] |
prominent |
easy to see or notice because of some difference. [3 definitions] |
promise |
a statement that something absolutely will happen or be done. [5 definitions] |
promising |
seeming likely to succeed or turn out well in the future. |
promontory |
a high cliff that sticks out into a large body of water or that rises above an area of lower land. |
promote |
to support the growth of or help move forward. [3 definitions] |
promotion |
a raise to a higher grade or position. [3 definitions] |
prompt |
done immediately and without pause. [4 definitions] |
prone |
having the habit of; being likely to. [3 definitions] |
prong |
a thin, sharply pointed part of a tool. [3 definitions] |
pronoun |
a word that can take the place of a noun or noun phrase. In the sentence, "He gave it to someone," "he," "it," and "someone" are examples of pronouns. |
pronounce |
to make the sound of or express with the voice in a specific way. [2 definitions] |