prospect |
foreseeable possibility; expectation. [5 definitions] |
prospector |
a person who prospects, or searches, for precious minerals and metals. |
prosper |
to succeed or have good luck, esp. financially or materially; thrive. |
prosperity |
the state of succeeding or flourishing, esp. financially. |
prosperous |
having wealth, success, or good fortune. [2 definitions] |
protect |
to ensure the safety of; shield from danger or harm. [3 definitions] |
protection |
the act of protecting or condition of being protected. [4 definitions] |
protective |
providing or intending to provide protection. |
protein |
any of a group of complex organic compounds containing nitrogen and composed of chains of amino acids, found in all living organisms and considered essential to all animal life processes. |
protest |
a statement or other expression of objection or dissent. [7 definitions] |
Protestant |
any Christian, esp. in the West, who belongs to a non-Catholic church. [3 definitions] |
proton |
an elementary particle of matter in the nucleus of all atoms, having a positive electrical charge. |
protoplasm |
a complex translucent colorless jelly regarded as the physical basis of all living matter and life functions. |
protozoan |
any of the simplest forms of animal life, consisting of a single cell or a colony of single cells. |
protrude |
to push or extend outward; project. [2 definitions] |
proud |
feeling pleased or satisfied with oneself because of an accomplishment, attribute, or possession. [6 definitions] |
proudly |
with a feeling or display of pride. |
prove |
to show (something) to be true, valid, or genuine. [5 definitions] |
proven |
a past participle of "prove." |
proverb |
a short saying in popular use that expresses a common truth or wisdom. [2 definitions] |
provide |
to supply (necessary things); furnish. [7 definitions] |