protrude |
to push or extend outward; project. [2 definitions] |
proud |
feeling pleased or satisfied with oneself because of an accomplishment, attribute, or possession. [6 definitions] |
proudly |
with a feeling or display of pride. |
prove |
to show (something) to be true, valid, or genuine. [5 definitions] |
proven |
a past participle of "prove." |
proverb |
a short saying in popular use that expresses a common truth or wisdom. [2 definitions] |
provide |
to supply (necessary things); furnish. [7 definitions] |
provided |
on the condition; only if. |
Providence |
the capital of Rhode Island. |
province |
one of the administrative divisions of a country or empire. [4 definitions] |
provincial |
of, relating to, or originating in a province. [6 definitions] |
provision |
the act of providing. [6 definitions] |
provoke |
to incite (a person) to anger, annoyance, deep emotion, or action. [3 definitions] |
prow |
the pointed forward section of a ship or boat; bow. |
prowl |
to move about slowly and stealthily, as an animal stalks prey. [3 definitions] |
prudence |
wisdom and caution in practical matters; sensibleness. [3 definitions] |
prudent |
having or showing wisdom and caution in practical matters; sensible. [3 definitions] |
prune1 |
the dried or partially dried fruit of any of various common plums. [2 definitions] |
prune2 |
to cut or remove dead or unwanted branches, twigs, or the like from; trim. [4 definitions] |
pry1 |
to be offensively inquisitive about another's private affairs. [2 definitions] |
pry2 |
to move, lift, open, or otherwise force with something that acts as a lever. [4 definitions] |