provoke |
to make angry, annoyed, or emotional; bring to action. [3 definitions] |
prow |
the pointed, front part of a ship or boat that can be seen above the water line. |
prowl |
to move around slowly and secretly, like an animal looking for prey. [3 definitions] |
prudence |
good judgment and caution; sensibleness. |
prudent |
showing good judgment and caution; sensible. |
prune1 |
a plum that has been dried. |
prune2 |
to cut off or remove branches, twigs, or other parts from; trim. |
pry1 |
to be too curious about another person's private life. [2 definitions] |
pry2 |
to move, lift, or open with something that acts as a lever. [2 definitions] |
P.S. |
abbreviation of the word "postscript." A postscript is a note added to a letter after the writer has already signed it. It can also be a note added at the end of a book or document. |
psalm |
a sacred or holy song or poem; hymn. |
psychiatrist |
a medical doctor who treats people with mental and emotional illnesses. |
psychiatry |
the branch of medicine that deals with mental and emotional illness. |
psychological |
of or having to do with psychology. [2 definitions] |
psychologist |
a person who is trained in and works in psychology. |
psychology |
the study or science of the mind and of the ways that people feel and act. |
pt. |
abbreviation of "point." [2 definitions] |
pterodactyl |
a flying reptile that lived at the same time as dinosaurs. Pterodactyls had wings covered with skin. Some were huge and glided over the oceans and caught fish. They became extinct over sixty-five million years ago. |
Pu |
symbol of the chemical element plutonium. |
pub |
a bar or tavern that serves food. |
public |
of, for, or having to do with all members of a community; not private. [4 definitions] |