psychological |
of or relating to psychology. [2 definitions] |
psychologist |
one trained in psychology. |
psychology |
the study or science of mental, emotional, and behavioral states and processes. [3 definitions] |
pt. |
abbreviation of "point." [2 definitions] |
pterodactyl |
any of various extinct flying reptiles. |
Pu |
symbol of the chemical element plutonium. |
pub |
a bar or tavern that serves food and often has a strong community connection. |
public |
of, for, or pertaining to all members of a community; not private. [7 definitions] |
publication |
the act of publishing printed material. [4 definitions] |
publicity |
the distribution of information, as through the print or broadcast media, that attracts public attention or interest. [2 definitions] |
publicly |
in a public manner; not secretively. [2 definitions] |
public school |
in the US, an elementary or secondary school that is part of a system of free schools supported by public taxes and supervised by local officials. [2 definitions] |
publish |
to prepare and distribute (printed material) for sale or circulation to the public. [5 definitions] |
publisher |
a person or company that publishes books or periodicals. [2 definitions] |
puck |
in ice hockey, the hard rubber disk that players try to hit into the net for goals. |
pucker |
to gather or contract into small folds or wrinkles. [2 definitions] |
pudding |
a soft creamy or spongy dessert, usu. made by boiling or baking a mixture of milk, flour, eggs, and sugar, and adding fruit or other flavoring. [5 definitions] |
puddle |
a small, shallow pool of water, esp. rainwater. [6 definitions] |
pudgy |
fat and usu. short or small. |
pueblo |
a communal house, often several stories high, made of adobe or stone by Indians of the southwestern United States. [3 definitions] |
Puerto Rico |
a West Indies island commonwealth associated with the United States, east of the Dominican Republic. |