pull |
to take hold of (something) and use force to bring it nearer to oneself. [8 definitions] |
pulley |
a simple machine that makes lifting something easier. A pulley has a wheel or set of wheels with grooves that a rope or chain can be pulled over. |
pull one's weight |
to do one's share of work. |
pullover |
a sweater or shirt that is put on and taken off by being pulled over the head. |
pull the wool over someone's eyes |
(informal) to trick or fool someone. |
pull through |
to continue to live in spite of a particular danger or difficulty. |
pulp |
the soft, juicy part of a fruit. [3 definitions] |
pulpit |
the raised platform in a house of worship where a member of the clergy stands to speak to the gathered people. |
pulse1 |
the regular beating of the arteries that is caused by the beating of the heart. The pulse can be felt in the wrist or neck. [3 definitions] |
puma |
a large wild cat with tan or gray fur and no spots. Pumas live in many parts of North and South America. Pumas are carnivorous mammals. They are also called cougars, mountain lions, or panthers. |
pump1 |
a machine for moving a liquid or gas from one place to another. [6 definitions] |
pump2 |
a simple women's shoe with a relatively low heel, usually worn with a skirt, dress, or slacks. |
pumpkin |
a large, round, orange fruit that has a thick inside pulp that can be eaten. Pumpkins grow on vines. |
pun |
a humorous play on words based on two words that are close in sound but different in meaning. [2 definitions] |
punch1 |
a hard, quick blow with the fist. [4 definitions] |
punch2 |
a tool or machine for making small holes or for pressing a design onto a surface. [2 definitions] |
punch3 |
a sweet drink made by mixing spices with fruit juices, soda, or other liquids. |
punctual |
on time; prompt. |
punctuate |
to place punctuation marks in. |
punctuation |
the use of question marks, commas, periods, and other marks in writing to help make the meaning clear. [2 definitions] |
punctuation mark |
any of a group of marks that are used to help make the meaning of written material clear. Commas, question marks, and periods are examples of punctuation marks. |