puny |
exceptionally small, weak, or insignificant. |
pup |
a dog that is not fully grown; puppy. [3 definitions] |
pupa |
an intermediate stage in the development of many insects, such as butterflies, during which they do not eat and are often encased in a cocoon. [2 definitions] |
pupil1 |
any person who studies under a teacher. |
pupil2 |
the small, dark, circular opening in the center of the eye, through which light passes to the retina. |
puppet |
a toylike figure of a human or animal that can be manipulated by a hand inserted within its hollow body, or by strings held from above. (See marionette). [2 definitions] |
puppy |
a dog that is not fully grown, usu. less than one year old. [2 definitions] |
purchase |
to obtain by exchanging money for; buy. [5 definitions] |
pure |
composed of only one substance, element, or quality; not mixed. [8 definitions] |
purebred |
bred from animals whose pure lineage can be documented. [2 definitions] |
purification |
the process of making free of dirt, bacteria, or other contaminants. [2 definitions] |
purify |
to free from dirt, contamination, or other unwanted elements. [3 definitions] |
Puritan |
any of a group of Protestants that originated in England in the sixteenth century and were politically powerful there and later in the United States, and who believed in simple religious ceremony, strict moral discipline, and persecution of dissent. [4 definitions] |
purple |
the color that results when blue and red paint are mixed. [5 definitions] |
purpose |
a reason or plan guiding an action; motive or intention. [6 definitions] |
purposeful |
done with a definite purpose; deliberate. [3 definitions] |
purposely |
on purpose; deliberately. |
purr |
to produce a soft, low, vibrating sound, as a contented cat. [4 definitions] |
purse |
a pouch or bag made of leather, cloth, plastic, or the like, for carrying money and other personal possessions, usu. carried by a hand or shoulder strap; handbag. [5 definitions] |
pursue |
to follow in an effort to reach or catch; chase. [7 definitions] |
pursuit |
the act or process of pursuing. [3 definitions] |