quay |
a pier, wharf, or other landing place for loading and unloading boats or ships. |
queasy |
feeling sick to one's stomach. [2 definitions] |
Quebec |
a province in eastern Canada on the U.S. border between New Brunswick and Ontario. Its capital is Quebec City. |
queen |
a female ruler of a country who is not elected but whose mother, father, or relative was the ruler before her. [4 definitions] |
queer |
strange, unusual, or not expected; odd; peculiar. |
quench |
to satisfy. [2 definitions] |
query |
a question. [3 definitions] |
quest |
a search or pursuit. [2 definitions] |
question |
a sentence that asks for a reply. [5 definitions] |
question mark |
a punctuation mark (?). It is used at the end of a sentence that asks a question. |
questionnaire |
a list of questions used for gathering useful information from people. |
quetzal |
a large bird of Central and South America that has bright red and green feathers. |
queue |
a line, usually of people, waiting for something. People often get into a queue to buy something or to enter something like a theater or a bus. |
quick |
done very soon or without delay. [5 definitions] |
quickly |
in a short time; rapidly. |
quicksand |
a deep, wet, mixture of sand and water. Quicksand pulls down and swallows up a person or thing that stands on it. |
quiet |
making no sound or noise. [8 definitions] |
quietly |
with little or no sound. |
quill |
a large, stiff feather. [3 definitions] |
quilt |
a bed covering made of two layers of material that are filled with feathers, wool, cotton, or other soft materials. The layers are stitched together so that the stitches make patterns on the cloth. [3 definitions] |
quintuplet |
one of five children or animals born to a mother at a single birth. |