queer |
strange, unusual, or unexpected; eccentric; odd. [4 definitions] |
quench |
to satisfy (a desire such as thirst). [3 definitions] |
query |
a question or inquiry [8 definitions] |
quest |
a search, esp. an arduous one for something that is greatly desired. [4 definitions] |
question |
a sentence that requests information or some other type of reply. [8 definitions] |
question mark |
a punctuation mark (?) used after a word, phrase, or sentence to indicate a direct question, or to indicate doubt or uncertainty; interrogation mark. [2 definitions] |
questionnaire |
a list of questions aimed at gathering useful information. |
quetzal |
any of several large trogons of Central and South America that have bright red and green plumage. [2 definitions] |
queue |
a line, as of people, cars, or the like, esp. those waiting to be served. [4 definitions] |
quick |
happening or brought about within a short time; immediate. [10 definitions] |
quickly |
in a short time; speedily. |
quicksand |
a mixture of sand and water, often found in large natural beds, that can pull down and submerge an animal or other object that stands on it. |
quiet |
making little or no sound or noise. [14 definitions] |
quietly |
with little or no sound. |
quill |
a bird's feather, esp. a long wing or tail feather. [6 definitions] |
quilt |
a bed covering consisting of two layers of material, sewn together in often decorative panels and filled with feathers, wool, cotton, or the like. [5 definitions] |
quintuplet |
one of five children born to a mother from a single pregnancy. [2 definitions] |
quit |
to resign; give up; decline to take further part in. [8 definitions] |
quite |
to the greatest extent; completely; entirely. [3 definitions] |
quite a few |
a rather large number of people or things. |
quiver1 |
to shake with very small, rapid movements. [2 definitions] |