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quota the part or share of something that is due to a person or group. [2 definitions]
quotation the act of quoting. [2 definitions]
quotation mark either of a pair of punctuation marks (" "). Quotation marks are used at the beginning and end of a quotation.
quote to repeat a passage or information from. [2 definitions]
quotient the number that is obtained by dividing one number into another.
r the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet.
Ra1 symbol of the chemical element radium.
rabbi a teacher of the Jewish religion who is usually the leader of a Jewish congregation.
rabbit a small mammal with long ears and long back legs for running or jumping. Rabbits have soft fur and a short tail. They are herbivores with long front teeth. Some kinds of rabbits make tunnels or burrows in the ground. Cottontails and hares are kinds of rabbits.
rabies a disease that is caused by a virus and can kill people, dogs, and other mammals. Symptoms of rabies are foaming at the mouth and violent or strange behavior. A person can get rabies if scratched or bitten by an animal that has the disease.
raccoon a small mammal with brown and gray fur, a long tail with black rings, and a pointed face with black markings that look like a mask. Raccoons eat plants and small animals such as insects and frogs. In towns and cities, they eat garbage. Several kinds of raccoons live in North and South America and on Caribbean islands.
race1 a sport or contest of speed. [7 definitions]
race2 a human population sharing certain common physical characteristics that have been passed down from one generation to the next. [2 definitions]
racer a person who takes part in races. [3 definitions]
racetrack a track or course used for racing.
racial having to do with a race of people. [2 definitions]
racing the sport of competing with others to be the fastest, especially in driving a car or riding a horse.
racism the opinion or belief that a particular race of people is better than another race or races. [2 definitions]
racist believing, implying, or claiming that one race of human beings is superior to another or others. [3 definitions]
rack1 a frame or stand used to hold, hang, or show things. [4 definitions]
racket1 a loud, confusing noise. [2 definitions]