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ragtime a form of music developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in America. Ragtime was a popular kind of music with a bouncy rhythm, usually written for the piano.
ragweed a weed that produces a large amount of pollen in the fall. Many people are allergic to ragweed.
raid a sudden, surprise attack. [3 definitions]
rail1 a bar of wood or metal that runs between two posts and serves as a fence or barrier. [3 definitions]
railing a barrier or fence made of posts and rails. [2 definitions]
railroad a road of steel rails upon which train cars travel. [2 definitions]
railway a railroad. [2 definitions]
rain drops of water that form in the clouds and fall from the sky to the earth. [5 definitions]
rainbow a curved arc of light of many colors across the sky. Rainbows are caused by the sun's shining through drops of water during or after a rain.
rain cats and dogs to rain very hard.
raincoat a coat that repels water to keep a person dry when it is raining.
raindrop a drop of rain.
rainfall a falling of rain. [2 definitions]
rainforest a dense evergreen forest, mostly found in tropical areas, that receives a large amount of rain all year long.
rainwater water that has come from falling rain.
rainy having much rain.
raise to move to a higher position; lift. [8 definitions]
raisin a sweet grape that has been dried for eating.
rake1 a tool that has a long handle and a row of teeth or prongs at one end. It is used to gather hay or fallen leaves or to smooth down soil. [4 definitions]
rally1 to unite again or raise the spirits of after a disappointment or failure. [5 definitions]
RAM the information a computer stores for a short time and can recall quickly. "RAM" stands for "random access memory."