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random characterized by lack of pattern or predictability, or carried out or occurring in a way that cannot be predicted and without being based on any reason or purpose. [4 definitions]
rang past tense of ring2.
range the extent or limits of possible variation. [20 definitions]
ranger a member of a security force employed to patrol a particular area, esp. a parkland or forest. [3 definitions]
rank1 the relative position of one person or group of persons to another in a hierarchy or society. [10 definitions]
rank2 having an extremely offensive odor or taste. [4 definitions]
ransom the payment demanded in return for the release of a kidnapped person, or the release obtained by such a payment. [2 definitions]
rap1 to hit (something) with a rapid, hard stroke; strike. [9 definitions]
rap3 a type of popular music of combined Jamaican and African-American origin in which rhymed verses are spoken, accompanied by a heavy repetitive beat, usu. on synthesizers or drums. [4 definitions]
rapid happening in a brief time. [4 definitions]
rapidly quickly; at a fast pace or in a short time.
rapids a fast-moving part of a river or stream that flows over rocks and can be difficult or dangerous to navigate through (used with either a singular or plural verb).
rapture extreme joy; ecstasy; bliss. [2 definitions]
rare1 happening or being found very infrequently; uncommon. [4 definitions]
rare2 of meat, cooked briefly to retain juices and redness in the interior.
rarely infrequently; seldom. [3 definitions]
rascal one who is unscrupulous or dishonest; villain; scoundrel. [2 definitions]
rash1 reckless, ill-considered, or hasty. [2 definitions]
rash2 an eruption of the skin, often accompanied by inflammation or blisters. [2 definitions]
rasp to rub with a rough surface or instrument such as a coarse file; scrape; abrade. [8 definitions]
raspberry any of a group of often prickly plants of the rose family. [4 definitions]