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rank1 a position in society. [6 definitions]
rank2 having a strong and very bad smell or taste. [3 definitions]
ransom the payment demanded in return for setting a kidnapped person free, or the act of setting someone free by paying the price demanded. [2 definitions]
rap1 to hit with a quick, hard stroke. [4 definitions]
rap3 a kind of popular music in which verses that rhyme are spoken and accompanied by a strong beat.
rapid happening in a short or brief time. [4 definitions]
rapidly quickly; at a fast pace or in a short time.
rapids a fast-moving part of a river or stream that flows over rocks and can be difficult or dangerous to navigate through.
rapture great happiness, joy, or ecstasy; bliss.
rare1 not often found or seen; not common. [4 definitions]
rare2 cooked for a short period of time.
rarely not often; seldom.
rascal a dishonest person; scoundrel. [2 definitions]
rash1 not careful; reckless or hasty.
rash2 a condition in which red bumps or spots break out on the skin. [2 definitions]
rasp to make a rough, grating sound. [2 definitions]
raspberry a prickly plant. [3 definitions]
rat a small mammal with a pointed face and a very long tail. Rats are rodents that look like mice, but are larger. [3 definitions]
rate1 a quantity calculated with regard to another measured quantity, as, for example, "miles per hour" or "beats per minute." [6 definitions]
rather in a more willing way; sooner. [4 definitions]
ratify to approve in an official way; confirm.