rare1 |
happening or being found very infrequently; uncommon. [4 definitions] |
rare2 |
of meat, cooked briefly to retain juices and redness in the interior. |
rarely |
infrequently; seldom. [3 definitions] |
rascal |
one who is unscrupulous or dishonest; villain; scoundrel. [2 definitions] |
rash1 |
reckless, ill-considered, or hasty. [2 definitions] |
rash2 |
an eruption of the skin, often accompanied by inflammation or blisters. [2 definitions] |
rasp |
to rub with a rough surface or instrument such as a coarse file; scrape; abrade. [8 definitions] |
raspberry |
any of a group of often prickly plants of the rose family. [4 definitions] |
rat |
any of several long-tailed rodents that resemble but are larger than mice. [4 definitions] |
rate1 |
a quantity calculated with regard to another measured quantity. [12 definitions] |
rather |
more willingly; sooner. [4 definitions] |
ratify |
to validate, confirm, or establish (something) by giving formal approval or consent. |
rating1 |
an assignment of status according to a system of classification, esp. a scale; standing; rank. |
ratio |
a proportional relation between numbers or things based on amount or degree. [2 definitions] |
ration |
a fixed amount allotted by an authority, as of scarce goods in wartime; authorized share. [5 definitions] |
rational |
sensible or reasoned. [4 definitions] |
rattle |
to make a series of hard, short, knocking sounds. [9 definitions] |
rattle off |
to list or recite quickly, esp. from memory. |
rattlesnake |
a venomous pit viper of the Americas that has a segmented structure at the end of its tail which vibrates with a rattling sound. |
rave |
to praise something extravagantly; express enthusiasm. [3 definitions] |
ravel |
to cause to be tangled or unclear. [4 definitions] |