rarely |
not often; seldom. |
rascal |
a dishonest person; scoundrel. [2 definitions] |
rash1 |
not careful; reckless or hasty. |
rash2 |
a condition in which red bumps or spots break out on the skin. [2 definitions] |
rasp |
to make a rough, grating sound. [2 definitions] |
raspberry |
a prickly plant. [3 definitions] |
rat |
a small mammal with a pointed face and a very long tail. Rats are rodents that look like mice, but are larger. [3 definitions] |
rate1 |
a quantity calculated with regard to another measured quantity, as, for example, "miles per hour" or "beats per minute." [6 definitions] |
rather |
in a more willing way; sooner. [4 definitions] |
ratify |
to approve in an official way; confirm. |
rating1 |
an evaluation of worth or rank. |
ratio |
a relation or comparison between numbers or things based on amount or degree. [2 definitions] |
ration |
a fixed share or portion. [5 definitions] |
rational |
based on sound reasoning; sensible. [3 definitions] |
rattle |
to make a series of hard, short, knocking sounds. [6 definitions] |
rattle off |
to list or recite quickly from memory. |
rattlesnake |
a venomous snake found in North, Central, and South America. A rattlesnake has a structure at the end of its tail that makes a rattling sound when the snake shakes it. |
rave |
to talk with much enthusiasm; praise. [2 definitions] |
ravel |
to separate into loose threads; unravel. |
raven1 |
a large, shiny, black bird that looks like a crow. It makes a sound like a loud, sharp croak. [2 definitions] |
ravenous |
very hungry; starved. |