rave |
to praise something extravagantly; express enthusiasm. [3 definitions] |
ravel |
to cause to be tangled or unclear. [4 definitions] |
raven1 |
a large black crowlike bird with glossy feathers and a croaking call. [2 definitions] |
ravenous |
extremely hungry; famished; starved. [3 definitions] |
ravine |
a deep, steep-sided cut in the land, esp. one carved by the flow of water. |
ravioli |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) small pouches of pasta filled with ground meat, cheese, or the like. |
raw |
being in an uncooked state. [8 definitions] |
rawhide |
untanned leather, esp. cattle skin. [2 definitions] |
ray1 |
a thin beam of radiation, esp. light. [3 definitions] |
ray2 |
any of various fishes having cartilaginous skeletons, flattened bodies, large pectoral fins, and long narrow tails. |
rayon |
a thread made by converting a solution of a natural pulp, usu. cellulose, into filament by extruding through spinnerets. [2 definitions] |
razor |
an instrument that has a very sharp, replaceable blade or blades and is used for shaving away body or facial hair. [4 definitions] |
abbreviation of "run batted in" or "runs batted in." |
re- |
anew; again. [3 definitions] |
reach |
to extend or expand as far as. [13 definitions] |
react |
to act in response to a stimulus or influence (often fol. by "to"). [4 definitions] |
reaction |
a movement, action, or response in reverse direction or manner. [6 definitions] |
reactor |
in physics, an apparatus for starting and controlling a nuclear chain reaction; nuclear reactor. [2 definitions] |
read1 |
to examine and comprehend the meaning of (something written). [16 definitions] |
reader |
a person who reads. [5 definitions] |
readily |
promptly or easily. [2 definitions] |