recorder |
a person whose job is to keep records. [3 definitions] |
recording |
the act or process of making a record, compact disk, audio tape, or video tape. [2 definitions] |
record player |
a machine that plays records, vinyl discs recorded with music or speech. |
recover |
to get back. [3 definitions] |
re-cover |
to cover again. |
recovery |
a return to a normal condition or to good health. [3 definitions] |
recreation |
activity that is relaxing and fun. |
recruit |
a soldier who has just joined or been drafted into the armed forces. [3 definitions] |
rectangle |
a flat, closed figure with four straight sides, four right angles, and opposite sides parallel to each other. |
rectangular |
having the shape of a rectangle. The square is one example of a rectangular shape. |
recuperate |
to become healthy again after being ill. |
recur |
to happen again or over and over. |
recyclable |
able to be reused in some form, either fully or partially. [2 definitions] |
recycle |
to put through a process that allows used things to be reused. |
recycling bin |
a container used for holding discarded items, such as aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and newspapers, which are intended to be recycled. |
red |
the color of blood; the first color on the color spectrum. [2 definitions] |
red blood cell |
a cell in the blood that carries oxygen to the body's tissues. |
redcoat |
a British soldier in colonial America during the American Revolution and other wars. |
Red Cross |
an international organization that gives medical care to people hurt during wars and natural disasters. |
redeem |
to exchange for cash, prizes, or other goods. [2 definitions] |
red-handed |
in the act of doing something wrong or illegal. |