reach |
to extend or stretch as far as. [11 definitions] |
react |
to act, or feel a certain way, in response to something. [2 definitions] |
reaction |
an action or response to something that has happened or has been done. |
reactor |
a device in physics for starting and controlling a nuclear chain reaction; nuclear reactor. [2 definitions] |
read1 |
to examine and understand the meaning of something written. [4 definitions] |
reader |
a person who reads. [3 definitions] |
readily |
promptly or easily. [2 definitions] |
reading |
the action or activity of examining and understanding written language. [3 definitions] |
ready |
prepared. [6 definitions] |
real1 |
not imagined; actually existing; true. [2 definitions] |
real estate |
an area of land, including the trees, water, and buildings on it. |
realistic |
tending to see things as they really are; practical. [2 definitions] |
reality |
the state or quality of being real. [2 definitions] |
realization |
the act of being made real; achievement. [2 definitions] |
realize |
to understand completely. [2 definitions] |
really |
in fact; actually. [3 definitions] |
realm |
a royal kingdom. [2 definitions] |
reap |
to cut down and gather. [2 definitions] |
reappear |
to come into view again; appear again. |
rear1 |
the back part of something. [4 definitions] |
rear2 |
to raise to adulthood; bring up. [3 definitions] |