reap |
to cut down and gather. [2 definitions] |
reappear |
to come into view again; appear again. |
rear1 |
the back part of something. [4 definitions] |
rear2 |
to raise to adulthood; bring up. [3 definitions] |
rearrange |
to change the order of or arrange in a different way. [2 definitions] |
rearview mirror |
a mirror attached to a car or other vehicle that allows the driver to see what is behind him or her. |
reason |
a cause or explanation for an action, opinion, or event. [4 definitions] |
reasonable |
using good sense and clear thinking. [4 definitions] |
reasoning |
the process of using one's logical abilities to come to a conclusion about something, to make a decision, or to solve a problem. |
reassure |
to make less worried; give back confidence to. [2 definitions] |
rebate |
a part of a payment that is returned. [2 definitions] |
rebel |
one who fights against or does not obey authority. [5 definitions] |
rebellion |
an armed fight against one's government; uprising. [2 definitions] |
rebuild |
to build again; repair. |
recall |
to bring a past event into the mind; remember. [4 definitions] |
recapture |
to take, catch, or capture again. [3 definitions] |
recede1 |
to move back to the same low level or point as before. [2 definitions] |
receipt |
the act or fact of receiving. [3 definitions] |
receive |
to get or take. [5 definitions] |
receiver |
a person who receives. [3 definitions] |
recent |
having to do with or happening in the very near past. [2 definitions] |