refrain2 |
a phrase or melody that is repeated regularly during a song or poem. |
refresh |
to bring back the energy or spirits of. [2 definitions] |
refreshment |
(often plural) something that refreshes, such as food and drink. [2 definitions] |
refrigerate |
to make cold or cool. |
refrigerator |
a room, box, or appliance where food is kept cold to prevent spoiling. |
refuge |
a place that protects from danger or difficulty. [2 definitions] |
refugee |
a person forced to leave his or her home or country to seek safety or protection. |
refund1 |
to return or pay back. [2 definitions] |
refusal |
the act or an instance of not doing what is requested or saying no to something. |
refuse1 |
to not accept or agree to; turn down. [3 definitions] |
refuse2 |
something without any worth; garbage; trash. |
regain |
to get back; recover. [2 definitions] |
regard |
to think of with a particular feeling or in a certain way; consider. [5 definitions] |
regarding |
having to do with; about; concerning. |
regardless |
without concern or thought. [2 definitions] |
regime |
a system of rule or government. [2 definitions] |
regiment |
a troop of soldiers made up of two or more battalions. |
region |
a large space or area. [2 definitions] |
regional |
of or relating to a particular geographical area. |
register |
a book used to record names, events, or other information. [9 definitions] |
registered nurse |
a nurse who has completed training and who has a license to practice nursing. In order to receive a license, nurses must pass an examination given by a state government. |