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reindeer a mammal with long legs, a long neck, antlers, and hooves. Reindeer are raised in northern parts of the world for their milk, meat, and fur. They are also sometimes used to pull sleds for transportation. Reindeer are closely related to moose and other kinds of deer. Reindeer are the only deer that have antlers on both males and females. In North America, reindeer are called caribou.
reinforce to add strength to or increase the effect of.
reject to refuse to take, approve, or believe.
rejoice to be full of joy or show great pleasure (sometimes followed by "in").
rekindle to start the burning of (something) again. [2 definitions]
relapse to return to bad behavior or poor health after a period of improvement. [2 definitions]
relate to tell the story of. [4 definitions]
related having some connection. [2 definitions]
relation association or connection between or among things. [4 definitions]
relationship the condition or fact of being related or connected. [2 definitions]
relative a person who belongs to the same family as someone else. [2 definitions]
relatively in comparison to something else.
relax to make looser or less stiff. [4 definitions]
relaxation recreation or rest that refreshes the body and mind.
relaxed free of physical or emotional stress; not worried or anxious. [2 definitions]
relay a team in which people take turns doing a task or running part of a race. [3 definitions]
relay race a race between two or more teams in which each runner completes part of the race and then is replaced or relieved by another team member.
release to set free. [4 definitions]
relent to become less harsh or less strict.
relevant related to what is being discussed or is presently important.
reliability the quality of being dependable.