reindeer |
any of several related large deer found in the colder regions of Scandinavia, Russia, Greenland, and Canada, both sexes of which have branching antlers. In North America, reindeer are called caribou. |
reinforce |
to fortify or make more effective; strengthen. [3 definitions] |
reject |
to refuse to accept, grant entry to, acknowledge, or act upon. [5 definitions] |
rejoice |
to be joyful or take great pleasure (sometimes fol. by "in" or "at"). [2 definitions] |
rekindle |
to start the burning of (something) again. [2 definitions] |
relapse |
to revert, esp. to a former negative condition, habit, or mode of conduct. [4 definitions] |
relate |
to see or establish a connection or association with (fol. by "to" or "with"). [6 definitions] |
related |
associated; connected. [2 definitions] |
relation |
an association or connection between or among things. [6 definitions] |
relationship |
the condition or fact of being associated or connected. [2 definitions] |
relative |
a person who is related to others through blood or marriage. [6 definitions] |
relatively |
in comparison to something else. |
relax |
to make looser or less rigid. [9 definitions] |
relaxation |
diversion or recreation designed to refresh the body and mind. [4 definitions] |
relaxed |
free of physical or mental tension. [3 definitions] |
relay |
two or more people or crews that alternate with or follow each other in carrying out a task or running a race. [5 definitions] |
relay race |
a race between two or more teams in which each runner is relieved by a teammate after running part of the distance. |
release |
to liberate from confinement or other form of constraint, such as obligation or responsibility. [10 definitions] |
relent |
to become milder, more sympathetic, or more lenient. [2 definitions] |
relevant |
related to or connected with the present matter; pertinent. [2 definitions] |
reliability |
the quality of being dependable. |