repay |
to pay back (a loan or other debt). [4 definitions] |
repeal |
to withdraw, revoke, or make void, esp. by official action or proclamation. [2 definitions] |
repeat |
to state or utter again (what has already been said). [7 definitions] |
repeatedly |
again and again; many times in a row. |
repel |
to drive away or force backwards. [7 definitions] |
repellent |
causing distaste, aversion, or repulsion. [4 definitions] |
repetition |
the act or process of repeating. [3 definitions] |
replace |
to put in place of (a similar object). [3 definitions] |
replacement |
the act or process of substituting or replacing. [2 definitions] |
reply |
to express an answer in words or writing (usu. fol. by "to"). [6 definitions] |
report |
a statement or account of something, usu. detailed. [12 definitions] |
report card |
a written report of the progress of a school student, usu. sent to the student's guardian or parent. |
reportedly |
according to rumor or report. |
reporter |
one who gathers, writes, or announces news presented in the media. [3 definitions] |
represent |
to denote or serve as a symbol for. [8 definitions] |
representation |
the act or process of representing, or the state of being represented. [5 definitions] |
representative |
one that stands in the place of or represents the interests of another or others. [10 definitions] |
reproduce |
to make a copy or duplicate of. [6 definitions] |
reproduction |
the act or process of reproducing or state of being reproduced. [3 definitions] |
reptile |
any of the class of vertebrate cold-blooded animals, including lizards, turtles, snakes, crocodiles, and the like, that breathe with lungs, are covered with scales or hard plates, and have short legs or none at all. [4 definitions] |
republic |
a state or nation where supreme political power is exercised by elected representatives acting in the name of the people. [3 definitions] |