report |
a statement or account of something, usu. detailed. [12 definitions] |
report card |
a written report of the progress of a school student, usu. sent to the student's guardian or parent. |
reportedly |
according to rumor or report. |
reporter |
one who gathers, writes, or announces news presented in the media. [3 definitions] |
represent |
to denote or serve as a symbol for. [8 definitions] |
representation |
the act or process of representing, or the state of being represented. [5 definitions] |
representative |
one that stands in the place of or represents the interests of another or others. [10 definitions] |
reproduce |
to make a copy or duplicate of. [6 definitions] |
reproduction |
the act or process of reproducing or state of being reproduced. [3 definitions] |
reptile |
any of the class of vertebrate cold-blooded animals, including lizards, turtles, snakes, crocodiles, and the like, that breathe with lungs, are covered with scales or hard plates, and have short legs or none at all. [4 definitions] |
republic |
a state or nation where supreme political power is exercised by elected representatives acting in the name of the people. [3 definitions] |
republican |
having the nature or characteristics of a republic. [4 definitions] |
Republican Party |
one of the two major political parties in the United States, organized in 1854 in opposition to slavery. [2 definitions] |
Republic of the Congo |
a country in Central Africa, south of Gabon and north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Republic of the Congo was formerly known as the French Congo. Brazzaville is the capital; Congo. |
reputation |
the estimation or level of respect in which a person is held by others. [3 definitions] |
request |
the act of asking for something, or the wish that is expressed. [5 definitions] |
require |
to need. [4 definitions] |
required |
having to be done; demanded; not optional. |
requirement |
something that is absolutely needed; necessity. [2 definitions] |
reread |
to read (something) again. [2 definitions] |
rerun |
to run again or show once more. [3 definitions] |