reside |
to occupy a place for an extended period of time; dwell. [2 definitions] |
residence |
a house or any other place where one lives; dwelling. [3 definitions] |
resident |
a person who resides in a particular place. [6 definitions] |
residential |
of or relating to residence, a residence, or residences. [2 definitions] |
resign |
to terminate a period of employment, esp. by formal notification (often fol. by "from"). [5 definitions] |
resignation |
the giving up of a job, office, or other position, or a formal letter of intent to do so. [2 definitions] |
resin |
a sticky organic substance secreted by fir trees and certain other plants and used mainly to make plastics, medicines, and varnishes. [3 definitions] |
resist |
to actively oppose or strive against. [4 definitions] |
resistance |
the act or process of resisting. [4 definitions] |
resolution |
mental firmness, determination, or resolve. [8 definitions] |
resolve |
to decide (something) firmly or earnestly, or to cause (someone) to do so. [8 definitions] |
resonance |
the quality of having a full, rich, long-lasting or echoing sound; the quality of resounding. [5 definitions] |
resonant |
resounding or reverberating; echoing. [4 definitions] |
resort |
to go or turn to for help or remedy, often as one's last recourse. [5 definitions] |
resound |
to be full of sound. [5 definitions] |
resource |
a source of aid, support, or other reinforcement. [4 definitions] |
respect |
a detail, point, or aspect (usu. prec. by "in"). [8 definitions] |
respectable |
displaying good breeding, manners, or character. [4 definitions] |
respectful |
having or showing respect or politeness. |
respective |
relating individually to each of two or more persons or things. |
respectively |
with regard to each of two or more persons or things in the order named. |