restrain |
to hold back or control. [2 definitions] |
restrict |
to keep within limits. |
restricted |
limited or confined within a certain sphere. [2 definitions] |
restriction |
something that limits or restricts. [2 definitions] |
restroom |
a public bathroom. |
result |
to happen because of something. [3 definitions] |
resume |
to start again after stopping. [2 definitions] |
retail |
the sale of things in small amounts to customers who will use them. [2 definitions] |
retain |
to hold or keep. [3 definitions] |
retarded |
slower or more limited in mental or emotional growth than most people. |
retina |
the part of the eye at the back of the inside of the eyeball. The retina has cells that sense light and color. Images are formed on the retina and sent to the brain. |
retire |
to give up a job or career. [3 definitions] |
retired |
having stopped working at one's job or no longer being in active service. |
retirement |
the act of retiring. [2 definitions] |
retreat |
the act of moving back or away from a place or situation. [5 definitions] |
retrieve |
to bring or get back; recover. [2 definitions] |
retriever |
one of several breeds of dog bred for their ability to retrieve wounded or killed game for hunters. |
retrorocket |
a small rocket attached to a spacecraft and used to help the spacecraft slow down or change direction. Retrorockets fire in the direction opposite to the direction the main rocket is going in. |
return |
to go back or come back. [10 definitions] |
return address |
the address of the person who sends a letter. |
reunion |
a meeting of friends, family, or other people who have been apart from each other for a long time. |