rhythm |
movement marked by the regular repetition of accent, beat, or the like. [5 definitions] |
rhythmic |
characterized by a rhythm; cadenced; rhythmical. |
rhythmical |
of or relating to rhythm. [3 definitions] |
RI |
abbreviation of "Rhode Island," a New England state on the Atlantic coast between Connecticut and Massachusetts. |
rib1 |
one of the series of bones that curve from the spine around the chest of a person or animal. [7 definitions] |
ribbon |
a narrow strip or band of colorful material such as satin or rayon, used to hold the hair, to tie up and decorate gift packages, and the like. [8 definitions] |
rice |
a grass that is widely cultivated in warm, wet areas, esp. in India and China. [3 definitions] |
rich |
having a great amount of money or valuable property. [8 definitions] |
riches |
wealth. [2 definitions] |
Richmond |
the capital of Virginia. |
rickety |
likely to fall over or fall apart; unsound; shaky. [4 definitions] |
rid |
to clear or free from something undesirable (usu. fol. by "of"). |
ridden |
full of, or overwhelmed or obsessed by (usu. used in combination). [2 definitions] |
riddle1 |
a puzzling, tricky, and often amusing question, usu. with an ingenious answer, posed as a diversion or as a test of one's wits. [4 definitions] |
riddle2 |
to pierce with a large number of holes. |
ride |
to sit on the back of a horse or other animal and direct its movement. [16 definitions] |
rider |
a person who rides a vehicle or an animal. [2 definitions] |
ridge |
a long, narrow, raised section, area, or edge, such as the top of a sloping roof or the crest of a hill. [5 definitions] |
ridicule |
language or actions that make unkind fun of someone or something; mockery; derision. [2 definitions] |
ridiculous |
causing or deserving ridicule; silly, absurd, or preposterous; laughable. |
rifle1 |
a firearm with a long barrel having spiral grooves inside designed to increase the accuracy of a shot. [4 definitions] |