ring up |
to record or add up on a cash register. |
rink |
a smooth surface of ice used for ice skating or ice hockey. [3 definitions] |
rinse |
to clean by dipping into or spraying with water. [3 definitions] |
Rio de Janeiro |
a city in southeastern Brazil on the Atlantic Ocean. |
riot |
a violent disturbance caused by a large number of people. [3 definitions] |
R.I.P. |
an abbreviation for Latin words that mean "rest in peace." R.I.P is used when a person dies and is often written on a person's gravestone. |
rip1 |
to cut open, off, or apart with force; tear. [3 definitions] |
ripe |
fully grown and ready for harvest or eating. |
ripen |
to become or cause to become ripe or ready. |
rip into |
(informal) to attack with much energy. |
rip off |
(slang) to rob or steal. [2 definitions] |
ripple |
to move or flow in small waves. [4 definitions] |
rise |
to stand after lying, kneeling, or sitting. [16 definitions] |
risen |
the past participle of "rise." |
risk |
a chance of getting hurt or losing something. [3 definitions] |
risky |
involving a chance of getting hurt or losing something. |
ritual |
a set form for going through the steps of a religious ceremony. [2 definitions] |
rival |
a person whom one tries to be better than; competitor. [4 definitions] |
river |
a large natural stream of water flowing in a particular course toward a lake, ocean, or other body of water. [2 definitions] |
rivet |
a metal bolt that pins metal plates or other objects together. [3 definitions] |
Rn |
symbol of the chemical element radon. |