riot |
a violent public disturbance, usu. involving a large number of people. [7 definitions] |
R.I.P. |
abbreviation of "requiescat in pace" (Latin); may he, or she, rest in peace. |
rip1 |
to cut open, off, or apart roughly and forcefully; tear. [5 definitions] |
ripe |
fully grown or matured and ready for harvest or eating, as grain, fruit, or cheese. [5 definitions] |
ripen |
to become or cause to become ripe, mature, or fully prepared. |
rip into |
(informal) to attack vigorously. |
rip off |
(informal) to steal (something), or copy and use (something created by someone else) without giving credit. [3 definitions] |
ripple |
of water, to move or flow in small waves or undulations. [5 definitions] |
rise |
to move, extend, or project upward. [24 definitions] |
risen |
past participle of rise. |
risk |
the possibility of suffering injury or loss; dangerous chance. [6 definitions] |
risky |
full of or involving risk; potentially dangerous; hazardous. |
ritual |
an established and prescribed procedure for a ceremony, esp. a religious one. [4 definitions] |
rival |
the person with whom one is competing; competitor. [5 definitions] |
river |
a large natural stream of water flowing in a definite course or channel toward a lake, ocean, or other body of water. [2 definitions] |
rivet |
a metal pin that has a head at one end and is hammered flat at the other end after the shank has been passed through holes in the metal plates or other objects to be pinned together. [3 definitions] |
Rn |
symbol of the chemical element radon. |
roach1 |
a cockroach. |
road |
a long, narrow course, often with a smooth and paved surface, made for the passage of vehicles and people. [3 definitions] |
road map |
a motorist's map that shows the routes, road types, mileage between towns, and the like for a specified region. |
roadrunner |
a ground-dwelling, swift North American cuckoo with a long tail, a crest, and streaked plumage. |