roundhouse |
a round building with a round, turnable platform inside where trains can be repaired and stored. |
round number |
a number given in terms of the nearest whole number, or given in the nearest tens, hundreds, or the like. The number 50 is a round number for 47. |
round out |
to make complete or perfect. |
round trip |
a trip to a given place and then back to the starting point. |
roundup |
the act of driving cattle into one group for branding or shipping to market. [3 definitions] |
round up |
to bring together; collect. [2 definitions] |
rouse |
to waken from sleep or a state similar to sleep. [3 definitions] |
rout1 |
a confused retreat of troops after they have been beaten. [4 definitions] |
rout2 |
to root about with the snout. [3 definitions] |
route |
a particular way of getting from one place to another; course. [4 definitions] |
routine |
a regular course of action. [3 definitions] |
routinely |
regularly; habitually. |
row1 |
things or people arranged in a straight line. [4 definitions] |
row2 |
to cause a boat to move forward using oars. [2 definitions] |
row3 |
a loud quarrel or fight. |
rowboat |
a boat that is moved by oars. |
royal |
of or having to do with a king or queen, or any members of their family. [2 definitions] |
royalty |
a member of a royal family; royal persons as a group. [3 definitions] |
RR |
abbreviation of "railroad," all the trains, tracks, and equipment that make up a rail transportation system. [2 definitions] |
rte. |
abbreviation of "route." |
rub |
to use pressure on (a surface) with a back and forth motion. [5 definitions] |