Samoa |
an island group in the South Pacific, divided into Samoa (formerly Western Samoa) and American Samoa. [2 definitions] |
sample |
a representative part or fragment of a larger whole. [4 definitions] |
samurai |
a member of the elite military class of feudal Japan. [2 definitions] |
sanction |
an official or authoritative approval, as of an action, behavior, or the like; permission. [8 definitions] |
sanctuary |
a holy or sacred place, esp. the holiest part of a place of worship. [4 definitions] |
sand |
loose grains of finely ground rock, often including quartz. [7 definitions] |
sandal |
an open shoe made from a sole and straps that fasten the sole to the foot. |
sandbar |
a ridge of sand deposited in a river or near a seashore by the action of currents or tides; shoal. |
sandcastle |
a toy castle made on a beach by molding wet sand. |
sandpaper |
paper coated on one side with a coarse or fine abrasive compound, used to abrade or smooth surfaces. [2 definitions] |
sandstone |
rock that is formed mostly of sand held together with a cementlike substance. |
sandwich |
sliced bread around a layer or layers of other food such as meat, cheese, or jelly. [3 definitions] |
sandy |
made of, containing, or resembling sand. [3 definitions] |
sane |
having a mind that is healthy and rational. [2 definitions] |
San Francisco |
a city of central California on a peninsula between the Pacific Ocean and a large bay. |
sang |
past tense of sing. |
sanitary |
free from contaminants or sources of infection; clean; sterile. [2 definitions] |
sanitation |
the design and practice of methods for solving basic public health problems such as drainage, sewage treatment, and waste removal. |
sanitize |
to rid of germs or dirt; make sanitary. |
sanity |
the state or quality of being sane. [2 definitions] |
sank |
past tense of sink. |