sardine |
a small fish that lives in the ocean and is used for food. Sardines are usually packed with oil or some other liquid in tin cans. |
sari |
a length of fine cloth which, when wrapped around the waist and over the shoulder, is the common dress of many women in India and Pakistan. |
sash1 |
a band of cloth worn around the waist or over the shoulder. |
sash2 |
the frame that holds the glass panes of windows or doors in place. |
Saskatchewan |
a south central Canadian province on the U.S. border between Alberta and Manitoba. Its capital is Regina. |
Sat. |
abbreviation of "Saturday." |
sat |
the past tense and past participle of "sit." |
Satan |
the supreme evil spirit in Christianity and Judaism. Satan is considered to be the enemy of humans, the rival of God, and the ruler of hell; the Devil. |
satellite |
a heavenly body that moves around a planet or another larger body. [3 definitions] |
satin |
a smooth fabric that is shiny on one side and dull on the other. |
satisfaction |
a pleasant feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well. [2 definitions] |
satisfactory |
good enough to meet a need or desire. |
satisfied |
happy with what one has or with the way things are; content. |
satisfy |
to give what is wanted or needed. [3 definitions] |
saturate |
to fill or soak completely. |
Saturday |
the seventh day of the week. Saturday comes between Friday and Sunday. |
Saturn |
the second largest planet in the solar system and sixth in distance from the sun. Saturn is known for the icy rings that circle its middle. [2 definitions] |
sauce |
a liquid dressing or topping served with food. [2 definitions] |
saucepan |
a fairly deep cooking pan with a long handle. |
saucer |
a small, shallow dish used for holding a cup. |
Saudi Arabia |
a country in southwestern Asia. Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia. |