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Sat. abbreviation of "Saturday," the seventh day of the week, occurring between Friday and the beginning of another week on Sunday.
sat past tense and past participle of sit.
Satan in Christian theology and Judaism, the embodiment of evil, adversary of humans, and rival of God, usu. identified with the fallen angel Lucifer; the Devil.
satellite a heavenly body that revolves around a planet or other larger body; moon. [5 definitions]
satin a smooth fabric that is shiny on one side and dull on the other. [2 definitions]
satisfaction a feeling of fulfillment; pleasurable fullness and completion. [5 definitions]
satisfactory affording or giving enough to satisfy; adequate.
satisfied content. [3 definitions]
satisfy to fulfill or gratify the needs or expectations of. [5 definitions]
saturate to fill or soak so completely that nothing more can be absorbed. [6 definitions]
Saturday the seventh day of the week, occurring between Friday and the beginning of another week on Sunday.
Saturn the second largest planet in the solar system and sixth from the sun, having many satellites, a diameter of about 74,500 miles, and a system of icy rings around its equator. [2 definitions]
sauce a liquid dressing or relish that is served with food to add flavor. [4 definitions]
saucepan a fairly deep, usu. metal cooking pan with a long handle.
saucer a small shallow dish on which a cup may be set, or an object that resembles such a dish.
Saudi Arabia a Middle Eastern country, occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula.
sausage a meat preparation made by filling an animal intestine or similar casing with a seasoned mixture of minced beef, pork, or the like.
savage ferocious and cruel; fierce. [9 definitions]
savanna a grassy plain with scattered tree growth, found in tropical or subtropical regions.
save1 to rescue from injury or danger. [10 definitions]
save2 with the exception of. [2 definitions]