savage |
fierce; cruel. [3 definitions] |
savanna |
a flat plain covered with grass that also has scattered trees. Savannas are found in Africa and other tropical regions. |
save1 |
to rescue from harm or danger. [4 definitions] |
save2 |
except; with the exception of. |
saving |
a lower price or cost. [2 definitions] |
savior |
someone who rescues or saves people from danger or destruction. [2 definitions] |
saw1 |
a tool with a thin metal blade that has sharp teeth along the edge. Saws are used for cutting hard materials such as wood or metal. [2 definitions] |
saw2 |
past tense of "see1." |
sawdust |
the tiny bits that fall away when wood is sawed. |
sawhorse |
a frame with four legs used to support wood that is being sawed. |
sawmill |
a building in which logs are cut into lumber. |
sawn |
a past participle of "saw1." |
saxophone |
a wind instrument with a curved metal body and a mouthpiece with a single reed. |
say |
to produce (words or sounds) with one's voice. [6 definitions] |
saying |
a familiar statement that often contains advice or wisdom. |
say uncle |
to give up; yield. |
SC |
abbreviation of "South Carolina." |
scab |
the crust that forms over a wound in the skin to protect it. [2 definitions] |
scabbard |
a case for holding a sword or other weapon with a blade. |
scaffold |
a platform above the ground where workers stand while they work on a building. |
scale1 |
one of the many small, hard, thin plates that cover fish, reptiles, and certain other animals. [3 definitions] |