scale1 |
one of the many small, hard, thin plates that cover fish, reptiles, and certain other animals. [3 definitions] |
scale2 |
(often plural) a device used for weighing. |
scale3 |
a set of numbered marks made at evenly spaced points along a ruler, thermometer, or other measuring device. [6 definitions] |
scalene triangle |
a triangle that has three sides with different lengths. |
scallion |
an onion with a small white bulb and long green leaves shaped like tubes. |
scallop |
a small invertebrate animal that lives in the ocean. A scallop lives inside of two shells that are attached to each other with a kind of hinge. These rounded, ribbed shells protect the scallop's soft body. The hinged shells can be opened and closed using a large muscle of the scallop. People sometimes eat this muscle. Scallops are mollusks and are closely related to clams and mussels. [4 definitions] |
scalp |
the skin on the top and back of the head, usually covered by hair. [3 definitions] |
scaly |
covered with scales. |
scamper |
to run quickly or playfully. |
scan |
to read or look over quickly. [5 definitions] |
scandal |
a strongly negative public reaction to the report of behavior that is illegal or considered morally wrong on the part of someone who is in a trusted or respected position. |
Scandinavia |
a region in northern Europe made up of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. |
Scandinavian |
of or having to do with Scandinavia, or its peoples or languages. [2 definitions] |
scanner2 |
a device that scans printed material and changes it into an electronic signal that can be read by a computer. |
scant |
barely enough; very little. [2 definitions] |
scar |
the mark left when a wound has healed. [3 definitions] |
scarce |
in short supply. [2 definitions] |
scarcely |
almost not; just barely. [2 definitions] |
scare |
to frighten. [4 definitions] |
scarecrow |
a figure of a person made from stuffed clothes and placed in a field to scare birds away from crops. |
scared |
feeling fear; afraid. |