scholar |
a person who has much knowledge, usually acquired from research and study. [2 definitions] |
scholarship |
money given to students to help pay for their education. [2 definitions] |
school1 |
a place for teaching and learning. [3 definitions] |
school2 |
a large group of the same kind of fish or sea animals. |
schoolhouse |
a building used as a school. |
schoolwork |
study or practice done at school or as homework. |
schooner |
a sailing ship with at least two masts and having its front mast shorter than its other masts. |
schwa |
a vowel sound that is spoken without any stress, such as the first "a" in "away." [2 definitions] |
science |
a system of studying, testing, and experimenting on things in nature. Science is a search for general laws about how the world works. [2 definitions] |
science fiction |
a kind of fiction writing that is often about people living in the far future or about life on other planets or in other galaxies. Science fiction often tells of future scientific inventions or of strange beings or creatures from outer space. |
scientific |
having to do with science. |
scientist |
a person who works in some branch of science. |
scissors |
a tool used for cutting. Scissors are made up of two blades that are joined so that their edges may be opened and closed. |
scoff |
to laugh at, mock, or criticize scornfully (often followed by "at"). |
scold |
to speak in a sharp or angry way. [2 definitions] |
scoop |
a tool with a short handle attached to a deep, curved bowl, used to take up food or grain. [5 definitions] |
scoot |
to go with quick, sudden movements. [2 definitions] |
scooter |
a child's toy that has a steering handle attached to a low board with one wheel at each end. A scooter is ridden by standing with one foot on the board while using the other foot to push against the ground. [2 definitions] |
-scope |
a suffix that means an instrument for seeing or observing. |
scope |
the range or extent of one's view or thoughts. [2 definitions] |
scorch |
to burn slightly. [3 definitions] |