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schwa an indistinct vowel sound that occurs in most unstressed syllables in English, such as the first "a" in "away". [2 definitions]
science systematic observation and testing of natural phenomena in a search for general laws and conclusive evidence. [3 definitions]
science fiction fiction in which scientific findings, capabilities, or speculations provide an essential basis for the imagined events.
scientific requiring or demonstrating systematic knowledge and skills, exactness in observation and testing, and keen but dispassionate interest in the truths of nature. [2 definitions]
scientist one who uses scientific procedures and is involved in science, esp. the physical or natural sciences.
scissors (sometimes used with a singular verb) a tool for cutting paper, fabric, or the like, made up of two blades joined with a pivot so their edges may be opened and closed. [2 definitions]
scoff to speak with mild scorn or derision (often fol. by "at"). [2 definitions]
scold to speak to with angry disapproval; reprimand; chastise. [3 definitions]
scoop a utensil with a short handle and a long, deep, curved bowl, used to take up sugar, grain, or the like. [12 definitions]
scoot to go with a quick darting motion. [4 definitions]
scooter a child's two-wheeled vehicle with a vertical steering handle in front and along low footboard between the wheels. [3 definitions]
-scope an instrument or device for seeing or observing.
scope the breadth or range of one's view, thoughts, operation, or the like. [4 definitions]
scorch to burn slightly, esp. without setting aflame. [5 definitions]
score the record of the total points earned in a competition or test. [15 definitions]
scoreboard a large board on which the score in an athletic contest is posted, often along with other related information.
scorn undisguised contempt; derision. [5 definitions]
Scorpio see "Scorpius." [3 definitions]
scorpion any of several small animals related to the spider that have a long, narrow body and a segmented tail with a venomous tip. [2 definitions]
Scot a native or inhabitant of Scotland, or a descendant thereof; Scotsman or Scotswoman. [2 definitions]
Scotch of or pertaining to Scotland or its people, culture, dialect, or the like; Scottish. [4 definitions]