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scruple a moral or ethical consideration or doubt that gives rise to uneasiness, hesitation, or restraint; qualm. [4 definitions]
scrupulous adhering strictly to standards of ethics or morality; punctilious. [2 definitions]
scrutinize to look at closely and carefully, with attention to detail.
scuba diving the act of swimming underwater wearing scuba gear, as for recreation or scientific investigation.
scuff to drag the feet along while walking; shuffle. [6 definitions]
scuffle to take part in a brief, confused fight among a few people. [3 definitions]
sculpt to make (a sculpture), as by carving, chiseling, or molding. [2 definitions]
sculptor an artist who produces sculpture.
sculpture the art or craft of producing three-dimensional artistic images, as by carving, chiseling, or molding. [7 definitions]
scum impure matter that forms on the surface of a liquid. [5 definitions]
scurry to move quickly, as in a hurry. [2 definitions]
scurvy a potentially fatal disorder caused by a lack of vitamin C in one's diet, usu. accompanied initially by weakness and bleeding gums. [2 definitions]
scythe a tool for cutting grass, harvesting grain, or the like, having a long handle to which a long, curved blade is attached, usu. at a right angle. [2 definitions]
SD abbreviation of "South Dakota," a midwestern U.S. state between North Dakota and Nebraska.
SE abbreviation of "southeast."
Se symbol of the chemical element selenium.
sea the salt water covering most of the earth; ocean. [6 definitions]
sea anemone a flowerlike sedentary sea polyp, the flexible cylindrical body of which is topped with one or more rings of tentacles that encircle a mouth.
sea animal any of various animals that live in the sea, including fish, invertebrates, and certain mammals.
seaboard a region along a seacoast.
seacoast land that borders on the sea; seashore.