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scythe a tool that has a long handle with a long, curved blade attached to the end at a right angle. It is used for cutting grass or harvesting grain by hand.
SD abbreviation of "South Dakota."
SE abbreviation of "southeast."
Se symbol of the chemical element selenium.
sea the salt water covering most of the earth; ocean. [4 definitions]
sea anemone a small sea animal with many tentacles. It looks like a flower. Sea anemones are related to jellyfish, but unlike jellyfish they spend their entire lives attached to underwater objects.
sea animal any of various animals that live in the sea, including fish, invertebrates, and certain mammals.
seaboard a region along the coast of a body of water.
seacoast land near or on the sea; seashore.
seafaring traveling by sea. [2 definitions]
seafloor the bottom of the sea or ocean; seabed.
seafood any sea animal that is served as food.
sea gull a gull that lives on or near the sea.
seahorse a small fish that swims with its head facing forward, but with its body and tail hanging down. Sea horses live in warm parts of the ocean. They use their curly tails to hang onto water plants.
seal1 a design that is stamped on wax or other soft material. Seals are used to make a document authentic or official. [5 definitions]
seal2 a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. Seals are a kind of pinniped, or mammal with flippers instead of feet. Various kinds of seals live in both warm and cold parts of the world's oceans. A few kinds live in fresh water. Seals are carnivores that eat fish and sea birds. They are closely related to sea lions and walruses.
sea level the surface level of the sea, halfway between high and low tide. It is used as the starting point for measuring elevations and depths.
sea lion a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. Sea lions are a kind of pinniped, or mammal with flippers instead of feet. Various kinds of sea lions live on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Sea lions are carnivores that eat fish and squid. They are closely related to seals and walruses.
seam a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together. [3 definitions]
sea otter a mammal with thick brown fur, a long body, a flat tail, and short legs. Sea otters live mostly in the Pacific Ocean in areas near the coast of California and Alaska.
seaplane an airplane that can land on and take off from water.