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scythe a tool for cutting grass, harvesting grain, or the like, having a long handle to which a long, curved blade is attached, usu. at a right angle. [2 definitions]
SD abbreviation of "South Dakota," a midwestern U.S. state between North Dakota and Nebraska.
SE abbreviation of "southeast."
Se symbol of the chemical element selenium.
sea the salt water covering most of the earth; ocean. [6 definitions]
sea anemone a flowerlike sedentary sea polyp, the flexible cylindrical body of which is topped with one or more rings of tentacles that encircle a mouth.
sea animal any of various animals that live in the sea, including fish, invertebrates, and certain mammals.
seaboard a region along a seacoast.
seacoast land that borders on the sea; seashore.
seafaring traveling by sea. [4 definitions]
seafood any sea animal that is served as food or is suitable for eating.
sea gull a gull, esp. one that lives on or near the sea.
seahorse a small semitropical marine fish that swims in an upright position, with its head, resembling that of a horse, at right angles to its body.
seal1 a design, emblem, or embossed or impressed figure used to make a document authentic or official. [10 definitions]
seal2 any of a number of flesh-eating mammals that live in and around the ocean and have flippers instead of legs. [4 definitions]
sea level the surface level of the sea, esp. the mean between high and low tide, which is used as a standard in calculating land elevations and sea depths.
sea lion any of several large-eared seals that live in colonies along the Pacific coast.
seam a line of stitching along which two pieces of fabric, or one piece folded over, are attached. [6 definitions]
sea otter a large marine otter of the northern Pacific coast.
seaplane an airplane that can land on and take off from water.
seaport a city, town, or harbor at which seagoing vessels dock, load, and unload.