sea otter |
a mammal with thick brown fur, a long body, a flat tail, and short legs. Sea otters live mostly in the Pacific Ocean in areas near the coast of California and Alaska. |
seaplane |
an airplane that can land on and take off from water. |
seaport |
a city, town, or harbor where ships that travel on the sea can dock, load, and unload. |
search |
to look through very carefully in order to find something. [2 definitions] |
searchlight |
a lamp that can direct a powerful beam of light in any direction. |
seashell |
the shell of an oyster, clam, or other sea animal. Seashells are often found washed up on shore. |
seashore |
land that borders on the ocean. |
seasick |
feeling sick and dizzy from the rolling motion of a boat. |
season |
one of the four parts of the year; spring, summer, fall, and winter. [4 definitions] |
seasonal |
having to do with the seasons or a particular season of the year. |
seasoning |
something that is added to food to make it taste better. Salt, herbs, and spices are seasonings. |
seat |
a chair, bench, or other object for sitting on. [6 definitions] |
seat belt |
a strap or belt that holds a person in the seat of a car, airplane, or other vehicle. Seat belts protect people against a sudden stop or crash. |
sea turtle |
a large turtle that lives mostly in the sea. Sea turtles have long legs that are wide and flat so that swimming is easy. Sea turtles come onto the land to lay their eggs. |
sea urchin |
a small sea animal with a soft body inside a hard, round shell. Its shell is covered with long, thin spines. Sea urchins are related to starfish. |
seaweed |
a kind of alga that grows in salt water. [2 definitions] |
sec. |
abbreviation of "second," or "seconds." |
secede |
to withdraw from a group or a political union. |
secluded |
hidden away from view. [2 definitions] |
second1 |
coming next after the first in a series. [6 definitions] |
second2 |
a unit of time equal to one of the 60 equal parts of a minute. [2 definitions] |