seine |
a net used for fishing that is held in the water with weights at the bottom and floats at the top. |
seismograph |
an instrument used to measure and record the strength of earthquakes. |
seize |
to take hold of in a quick, forceful way; grab. [2 definitions] |
seizure |
a sudden attack caused by a disease such as epilepsy. [2 definitions] |
seldom |
not often; rarely. |
select |
to choose; pick. [2 definitions] |
selection |
the act of selecting. [3 definitions] |
selective |
very careful in choosing. |
self |
one's own being, character, and nature. [2 definitions] |
self- |
a prefix that means of, by, to, for, or in oneself or itself. |
self-confidence |
faith in oneself and one's own abilities. |
self-contained |
having everything needed to survive or function. |
self-control |
control of one's feelings or behavior. |
self-esteem |
confidence or pride in oneself; self-respect. |
self-explanatory |
needing no further explanation; clear. |
selfish |
concerned only with oneself and not concerned about others. |
self-respect |
the proper regard for oneself and one's worth as a person. |
self-service |
relating to a business in which customers serve themselves. |
self-sufficient |
able to get along without any help from others. |
sell |
to exchange with another for money. [5 definitions] |
seller |
one who sells. |