senate |
(capitalized) one of the two houses of the United States Congress, or a similar part of national government in other countries. [2 definitions] |
senator |
a member of a senate, a governmental body that serves in the making of laws for a state or country. |
send |
to cause to be carried to another place; have delivered. [3 definitions] |
Senegal |
an African country on the Atlantic Ocean that lies between Mauritania and Guinea. The capital of Senegal is Dakar. |
senior |
being the older of two male relatives having the same name. The word "Senior," often written as "Sr.," is used after the name of a father whose son has the same name. [7 definitions] |
senior citizen |
an older person, especially one who is past the age of sixty-five and retired. |
sensation |
a condition of being aware of something or feeling something by means of one of the senses. [4 definitions] |
sensational |
causing or meant to cause great excitement or interest. [2 definitions] |
sense |
any of five ways to understand or experience one's surroundings. The senses are touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing. [9 definitions] |
sense organ |
a part of the body that takes in information and sends it to the brain. The eyes and the taste buds are sense organs. |
sensible |
having or showing good sense; wise. |
sensitive |
able to smell, hear, taste, feel, or see very well. [4 definitions] |
sensor |
a device that detects and responds to certain changes in the environment. Sensors respond to light, temperature, sound, or pressure and then send information to other instruments. |
sent |
past tense and past participle of "send." |
sentence |
a complete unit of words in either writing or speech with a clear beginning and a full stop. A sentence usually has a subject and a verb. Sentences can state things, ask questions, give commands, or be exclamations. [3 definitions] |
sentiment |
a way of thinking or feeling about something. [2 definitions] |
sentimental |
causing or showing tender feelings. |
sentry |
a person who guards an entrance or keeps watch against dangers. |
Seoul |
the capital city of South Korea. |
sepal |
a part of a plant, shaped like a leaf, that lies at the base of a flower. Sepals hold and protect developing flower buds. |
separate |
to set apart or keep apart. [9 definitions] |