sentiment |
a way of thinking or feeling about something. [2 definitions] |
sentimental |
causing or showing tender feelings. |
sentry |
a person who guards an entrance or keeps watch against dangers. |
Seoul |
the capital city of South Korea. |
sepal |
a part of a plant, shaped like a leaf, that lies at the base of a flower. Sepals hold and protect developing flower buds. |
separate |
to set apart or keep apart. [9 definitions] |
separately |
apart; not together; in a separate way. |
separation |
the act of separating or condition of being separated. [2 definitions] |
Sept. |
abbreviation of "September." |
sept-1 |
a prefix that means "seven." |
September |
the ninth month of the year. September has thirty days. Autumn begins in September for people who live north of the equator. |
septic |
infected with harmful bacteria. [2 definitions] |
sequel |
a book or movie that is complete in itself but continues a story begun in an earlier work. |
sequence |
a pattern or process in which one thing follows another. [2 definitions] |
sequin |
a very small shiny disk of plastic or metal. Sequins are sewn onto clothing as decoration. |
sequoia |
a very large evergreen tree that grows in California; redwood or giant sequoia. |
Serbia |
a European country on the Balkan Peninsula between the countries of Bosnia and Bulgaria. The capital of Serbia is Belgrade. |
serenade |
a song or tune that is usually performed out of doors in tribute to someone beloved or honored. [2 definitions] |
serene |
free from trouble; calm. |
serf |
a person in earlier times who was like a slave. Serfs had to stay on the property where they worked and lived. If the land was sold, they were sold along with it. |
sergeant |
a rank above corporal in the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force. [3 definitions] |