shears |
a tool that is like a large scissors. |
sheath |
a case for the blade of a sword or knife. |
shed1 |
a small building used for storage or shelter. |
shed2 |
to cast off, take off, or let fall. [4 definitions] |
she'd |
shortened form of "she had" or "she would." |
sheep |
an animal with hooves, hollow horns, and long, curly hair. Sheep are mammals that are raised for their wool; some people also use their milk and meat. They are closely related to goats. [2 definitions] |
sheer1 |
thin or fine enough to see through. [3 definitions] |
sheet1 |
a large piece of cotton or linen cloth used to cover a bed. [3 definitions] |
sheik |
a leader of an Arab community or tribe. |
shelf |
a thin, flat piece of wood, metal, or other material that is attached to a wall or set into a piece of furniture. Shelves are used to hold books, dishes, and other things. [2 definitions] |
shell |
a hard outer covering of certain animals, such clams, snails, or oysters. This type of shell is made by the animal itself, and it is used by the animal to protect itself. [9 definitions] |
she'll |
shortened form of "she will." |
shellac |
thin sheets or flakes of a material produced by insects. It is used in making varnish and other products. [4 definitions] |
shellfish |
a small animal that lives in fresh or salt water and has a shell outside its body. Shellfish are not true fish. They are invertebrates, or animals with no backbone. People can eat many kinds of shellfish, including clams, oysters, shrimp, and lobsters. |
shelter |
a place or structure that gives protection against weather or danger. [5 definitions] |
shelves |
plural of "shelf." |
shepherd |
a person who herds and watches over sheep. [3 definitions] |
sherbet |
a frozen dessert made mainly of fruit juice, sugar, and gelatin. |
sheriff |
the main law officer of a county. |
she's |
shortened form of "she is" or "she has." |
Shetland pony |
a breed of very small but strong pony native to the Shetland Islands of Scotland. |