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shoplift to steal goods from a store while posing as a customer.
shoplifter a person who steals goods from a store while pretending to be a customer.
shopping the activity of looking for and buying goods in a store.
shopping bag a large, strong bag with handles, used for carrying purchases.
shopping center a group or complex of stores, often with other businesses such as restaurants, that have a common parking area.
shore1 the land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river. [2 definitions]
short of little length; not long. [16 definitions]
shortage a deficiency; lack. [2 definitions]
shortcoming a deficiency in character, ability, conduct, or the like; flaw.
shortcut a quicker or more direct route. [3 definitions]
shorten to make shorter. [3 definitions]
shortening fat such as butter or lard, used esp. in baking. [2 definitions]
shorthand a system of writing in simple symbols or combinations of symbols representing sounds, words, or phrases, used to record dictation or speech rapidly. [3 definitions]
short-handed lacking a full crew of workers or helpers.
shortly in a brief while; soon. [2 definitions]
shorts short trousers that stop above or close to the knees. [2 definitions]
shortsighted unable to evaluate future consequences of present actions; lacking foresight. [2 definitions]
shortstop in baseball, the position in the infield between second and third base, or the player who occupies this position.
shot1 an instance of shooting with a weapon. [10 definitions]
shot2 of cloth such as silk, woven so as to be changeable in color. [2 definitions]
shot put an athletic event in which a heavy metal ball is thrown as far as possible. [2 definitions]