shun |
to keep away from or avoid on purpose. |
shut |
to close by moving something that covers an opening. [3 definitions] |
shut down |
to stop the operation of something. |
shut off |
to stop the flow of. |
shutter |
a wooden or metal cover that closes over the outside or inside of a window. [2 definitions] |
shuttle |
a device used in weaving that carries thread back and forth through the threads on the loom. [3 definitions] |
shut up |
to stop talking or make (someone) stop talking. |
shy1 |
not comfortable with other people. [4 definitions] |
Siamese cat |
a breed of cat. Siamese cats are native to Thailand. They are known for their blue eyes and a pale gray or brown coat with darker ears, tail, and paws. |
Siberia |
a region in northern Asia that goes from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Siberia is a part of Russia. |
sibling |
a sister or a brother. |
sick |
suffering from an illness; not well. [4 definitions] |
sickle |
a tool with a long, sharp, curved blade and a short handle. It is used to cut grain and long grass. |
sickly |
often sick; not strong or healthy. [2 definitions] |
sickness |
the condition of being sick; illness. [2 definitions] |
side |
one of the surfaces of an object. [12 definitions] |
sideburns |
hair or whiskers growing along the side of a man's face. |
side by side |
next to each other. |
side dish |
a portion of food, often vegetables, that is served along with the main dish of a meal. |
sideline |
a line at the side of an area; the side boundary of a playing field. [2 definitions] |
sideshow |
a small, extra show connected to the main show. |