sickle |
a tool consisting of a long, sharp, semicircular blade held by a short handle, used to cut grain and long grass. [2 definitions] |
sickly |
often sick; not strong or healthy. [5 definitions] |
sickness |
the state of being sick; illness. [3 definitions] |
side |
one of the surfaces of an object. [13 definitions] |
sideburns |
a growth of hair or whiskers along the side of a man's face, esp. when the rest of the beard has been shaved off. |
side by side |
next to each other. |
side dish |
a portion of food, often vegetables, that accompanies the main course. |
sideline |
a line at the side of an area; lateral boundary, as of a playing field. [2 definitions] |
sideshow |
a small exhibition offered to supplement the main attraction, as at a circus. [3 definitions] |
sidestep |
to step aside or to one side. [4 definitions] |
sidewalk |
a paved walkway along the side of a street or road. |
sideways |
from, to, or toward the side. [3 definitions] |
siege |
a military maneuver in which a fortification, such as a city or a fort, is surrounded, subjected to attack, and cut off from supplies or reinforcements in order to bring about complete surrender. [3 definitions] |
sierra |
a chain of mountains or hills that have rugged peaks suggestive of saw teeth. [2 definitions] |
Sierra Leone |
a West African country on the Atlantic between Guinea and Liberia. |
sieve |
a utensil with a wire mesh or finely perforated bottom, used as a strainer or to sift or purée solids. [2 definitions] |
sift |
to pass or force through a sieve in order to retain or break up the larger parts. [6 definitions] |
sigh |
to exhale with a long, audible puff of breath, as from sorrow or weariness. [5 definitions] |
sight |
the ability to see; vision. [11 definitions] |
sightless |
incapable of seeing; blind. |
sightseeing |
the act or pastime of visiting and viewing various places of interest; touring. [2 definitions] |