sideshow |
a small, extra show connected to the main show. |
sidestep |
to step aside or to one side. [2 definitions] |
sidewalk |
a path for walking along the side of a street or road. Sidewalks are usually paved. |
sideways |
from, to, or toward the side. [2 definitions] |
siege |
a military act of surrounding a city or base, attacking it, and cutting off supplies. The goal of a siege is to force the city or fort to surrender. |
sierra |
a chain of mountains with sharp peaks that look like the teeth of a saw. |
Sierra Leone |
an African country on the Atlantic Ocean between the countries of Guinea and Liberia. The capital of Sierra Leone is Freetown. |
sieve |
a tool used to separate solid from liquid or to separate smaller pieces of something from larger pieces. Sieves have small holes or wire mesh on the bottom. |
sift |
to spread or sprinkle using a sieve or as though using a sieve. [2 definitions] |
sigh |
to breathe out with a long breath because of being sad, tired, or relieved. [3 definitions] |
sight |
the ability to see; vision. [7 definitions] |
sightless |
not able to see; blind. |
sightseeing |
the act or hobby of visiting and seeing interesting places; touring. [2 definitions] |
sign |
something that shows or demonstrates a fact, event, or quality; indication. [7 definitions] |
signal |
a movement, action, or device used to communicate instructions, warning, or other information. [7 definitions] |
signature |
a person's written name, used to sign documents, letters, or checks. [2 definitions] |
significance |
great value; importance. [2 definitions] |
significant |
being or causing something of importance. [2 definitions] |
sign up |
to join or cause to join a particular group, class, or activity; register. |
silence |
a lack of sound; quiet. [3 definitions] |
silent |
making no sound. [5 definitions] |