sign |
something that shows or demonstrates a fact, event, or quality; indication. [7 definitions] |
signal |
a movement, action, or device used to communicate instructions, warning, or other information. [7 definitions] |
signature |
a person's written name, used to sign documents, letters, or checks. [2 definitions] |
significance |
great value; importance. [2 definitions] |
significant |
being or causing something of importance. [2 definitions] |
sign up |
to join or cause to join a particular group, class, or activity; register. |
Sikh |
a member of a Hindu religious sect formed in India around the year 1500. Sikhs have faith in one god only rather than in many gods. |
silence |
a lack of sound; quiet. [3 definitions] |
silent |
making no sound. [5 definitions] |
silhouette |
an outline or side view of a person's head that is filled with a dark, solid color. [3 definitions] |
silicon |
a hard, dark gray substance that is a chemical element. It is found in silica, a compound that makes up one fourth of the earth's crust. Silicon is used in making glass, concrete, bricks, and computer chips. (symbol: Si) |
silk |
a fine, soft, shiny fiber produced by certain insects. [4 definitions] |
silkworm |
a caterpillar of a moth, originally from Asia. The caterpillar makes silk thread that it uses to spin its cocoon. People use the cocoons to make silk cloth. |
silky |
of or like silk; smooth, delicate, or shiny. |
sill |
a horizontal strip or block serving as the bottom of a window or door frame. |
silly |
without good sense; foolish. [2 definitions] |
silo |
a tall building that is used to store food for farm animals. Silos are often shaped like cylinders. [2 definitions] |
silt |
fine particles of earth, clay, or sand that eventually settle out of water. |
silver |
a shiny white metal that is soft and easy to shape. Silver is one of the chemical elements. It is used in making jewelry, coins, and table utensils. (symbol: Ag) [7 definitions] |
silversmith |
a person who makes, plates, or fixes objects made of silver. |
silverware |
knives, forks, and spoons. Silverware is used for eating and serving food. It can be made of or plated with silver or other metals. [2 definitions] |