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site the location or proposed location of a town, city, building, or the like. [4 definitions]
sit tight to refrain from taking any action until there are further instructions or news.
situation state of affairs; circumstances. [4 definitions]
sit-up an exercise for the stomach muscles, in which one lies flat on one's back and then sits up without bending the legs and without support from the arms.
six the number represented by the Arabic numeral 6 and by the Roman numeral VI. [3 definitions]
sixteen the number represented by the Arabic numeral 16 and by the Roman numeral XVI. [3 definitions]
sixteenth indicating rank or position between fifteenth and seventeenth. [3 definitions]
sixth indicating rank or position between fifth and seventh. [4 definitions]
sixtieth indicating rank or position between fifty-ninth and sixty-first. [3 definitions]
sixty the number represented by the Arabic numeral 60 and by the Roman numeral LX. [5 definitions]
sizable of considerable size or quantity; fairly large.
size1 the physical extent or dimensions of anything. [5 definitions]
sizzle to make the hissing or crackling sound of frying fat or oils. [4 definitions]
skate1 a shoe with either a blade or a set of small wheels attached to the sole, for use, respectively, on ice and on other hard surfaces; ice skate or roller skate. [2 definitions]
skate2 any of several fish related to rays, found along the western U.S. coast and having a skeleton of cartilage, a flat body, side fins extending out like wings, and usu. a pointed snout.
skateboard a flat, short, narrow board mounted on four roller-skate wheels, ridden in a standing position or used to perform athletic feats such as jumps and flips. [2 definitions]
skein a length of yarn or thread wound in a long, loose loop before it is knitted or woven. [3 definitions]
skeleton the inner framework of bones and cartilage in vertebrate animals, which supports and protects the softer body parts, or the hard external shell of invertebrates and some vertebrates. [4 definitions]
skeptical having or showing doubt; questioning. [3 definitions]
sketch a preliminary drawing or painting, usu. done quickly or without detail, often as a study for a later work. [6 definitions]
sketchy giving only outlines or major points; like a sketch. [3 definitions]